Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Copa Del Rey

The local wind, eight to twelve knots, gave a brilliant start to the 26 Copa del Rey Camper Audi. The first day of races in which four of the six participating classes made their debut (IMS 570, IMS 670, IRC and X-35), was fast and races were held on time, from 13:00 hours. The 26 Copa del Rey Camper Audi, organised by Real Club Náutico de Palma and Real Federación Española de Vela had three racing areas sailing simultaneously, instead of the one only area that was used traditionally.

A total of 76 units, representing four classes, sailed windward-leeward races of 7 to 10 nautical miles. The biggest excitement was seen in the IMS, with crowded and equal fleets. In IMS 670, the favourite boats showed their talent and finished in the top places in both races. The IMS 570 had its debut in this 26 Copa del Rey Camper Audi and offered a lovely show, with a very equal fleet sailing very close together. The one design X-35 that sail in real time also made their debut today. Most of the 14 participating units sailed very close today showing the equality of the teams. Another class that makes its debut in the 26 Copa del Rey Camper Audi is the IRC class. Tomorrow from 13:00 hours the six participating classes of the 26 Copa del Rey Camper Audi will compete. It will be the debut in this edition for the Transpac 52 and GP 42. All the attention will focus on the new GP 42 class that also sails in real time; in fact, the Copa del Rey Camper Audi scores for the Spanish Championship.

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